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Questa Mappa Concettuale ha informazioni correlate a: The rise of the English novel by Franceschini, the rise of the novel definition picture of real life, the rise of the novel ???? First English Novelists, First English Novelists Fielding several way of comic novel "Tom Jones", First English Novelists Richardson bourgeois sentimental novel "Clarissa", Several reasons the influence of books such as Don Quixote, Several reasons the expansion of the reading public the increasingly affluent middle classs were beginning to buy more books, Several reasons influence of Puritanism andMethodism thust the praticalites of daily life took precedent over cultivation of the immagination, reality vs fantasy Why the dominant concern of the novel Several reasons, Several reasons the rise of Philosophical rationalism The novel is the form of literaturewhich most fully reflects this individualist apptoach, First English Novelists Sterne experimental novel "Tristram shandy", First English Novelists Defoe realist novel "Robinson Cruise", Gargantua Don Quixote written by Rabelais Miguel de Cervante's, the rise of the novel the 18th century saw reality vs fantasy, First English Novelists Swift novel of the fantastic and satire "Gulliver's travels", the rise of the novel the 18th century saw the rise of the novel, the rise of the novel before the 18th there were some forms of novel Gargantua Don Quixote